Have You Helped Your Client Check Their Term?


The Disconnects with Individual Term

  1. The variation of issue classes and how companies rate can be different even within one year of issuing.
  2. Some companies have age last birthday versus age nearest birthday.
  3. Some companies have 5 classes of issue and some have 4 classes Standard to Preferred to Preferred Plus. Others range from Standard to Standard Plus. MYTH many brokers believe companies without a Standard Plus rating are not competitive. In fact, because they do not have a Standard Plus rating, they frequently issue policies at Preferred versus Standard – benefiting the client.
  4. With table shave programs: people in their 40’s, 50’s and even 60’s with issues like diabetes, former cancer, asthma, Crohn’s, etc. can get issued Standard– instead of table 2 or table 3.
  5. Some companies treat things like alternative tobacco or even marijuana as if it isn’t there while most companies treat them as smokers. This can be a huge savings for some clients!
  6. Conversion options lessen over time.
  7. At certain rate classes and ages, permanent insurance can cost less than term insurance.

Need a Turn Key Program, to “Check Your Client’s Term Today”?